Aron Presents the 12 Fuck You's of twitter...
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First an honorable mention. I hate doing honorable mentions, but in this case it's a necessity.
Honorable Mention: Intro to Zero Wing
Yes, we all know the infamous "All your base are belong to us", but have you actually watched the intro without that god forsaken flash video? Have you actually listened to the music? If you ignore the text and listen to the music in the intro, it's actually pretty damn epic. If this was translated properly, this could have been a really amazing intro.
#10: 1-1: Super Mario Bros.
Starting out in epic fashion, 1-1’s theme is not only known by everyone worldwide, it’s also one hell of a catchy tune. Been remixed so many times it’s almost tiring, 1-1 is a favourite among many video game fans. It’s upbeat, it has a strong beat, and it’s as catchy as the Duck Tales Theme song. The only problem with this song is that in terms of audio quality, it’s really dated. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy this piece of 8bit history.
#9: Zone 1: Super Bomberman 5
I’ve never been too big on the Bomberman franchise, but its theme song is one of the most overlooked main themes ever. What’s even MORE overlooked is the version in Super Bomberman 5. There are just so many layers of music to this song that you could listen to it for years and get a new song each time by listening to all the different layers. Also I’m a sucker for a strong beat, and Zone 1 certainly has that. While I may not be too fond of the games, I’m certainly fond of this song.
#8: Chemical Plant Zone: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
I’m not scared to say it. Sonic music (for the most part) sucks. There’s rarely anything that catches my attention, and most of it just ends up getting annoying with the exception of a few select songs. However the Chemical Plant Zone theme is 100% pure awesome, and is easily my favourite song in the franchise. Sonic 2 gets a billion bonus points for this amazing tune. While Green Hill Zone IS a great song, Chemical Plant Zone totally trounces it.
#7: Splash Woman & Tornado Man: Mega Man 9
I hate to have ties in my lists, but this one is just impossible to choose. Both songs are freaking amazing, but they’re too different to accurately decide which is better. It’s like trying to decide if I like Toby or Henry’s theme better from early Thomas the Tank Engine episodes. It’s just not possible! These themes are epic and super catchy, and they really make the levels more fun. It’s amazing how music can turn a level from frustrating to awesome.
Oh, and I DO know the official names of these songs, but screw that. It’s Splash Woman and Tornado Man to me.
#6: Blackout Basement: Donkey Kong Country
Again, I know this song is officially called Fear Factory, but it’s always going to be Blackout Basement to me. Not only is this song dark, edgy and epic, it also fits the area really well. It’s a dark theme in a level where the entire screen LITERALLY turns pitch black! Again, it’s the music that really adds to the greatness of an already awesome level.
#5: The Moon: Duck Tales
For as overused as this song is, I wouldn’t call it overrated. It’s an amazing song that has ended up being more famous than the actual game itself. If you visit a gaming website of some sort, you probably know what this song is, and as you should. It’s a fantastic Capcom song which rivals, and even EXCEEDS a lot of the classic Mega Man themes. When you look for awesome 8bit music, you turn to The Moon.
Now I will confess that Elmo3000 and I often bring up on skype how the Transylvania and Himalayas theme are often overshadowed by The Moon, but the bottom line is that The Moon truly is the superior theme. I love all the music from Duck Tales NES, (except the African Mines) but the Moon destroys the competition.
#4: Normal Duel: Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Red is what instantly comes to mind for a lot of Pokemon fans when you say the words “great music”, but the informed people all say “Pokemon Trading Card Game!”. This game has incredible music which is all very well put together, and each song is actually pretty long for a looping video game theme, but the one that steals the show is the song you hear every time you duel a normal card player. One of the most upbeat battle themes ever, but also the most awesome upbeat battle theme. (Sorry Mario RPG)
#3: Butter Buildings: Kirby Series
(sorry I couldn't find a better quality MP3 of the song)
The reason I labeled this one as just “Kirby Series” is because it’s hard to choose which version of the theme is the best. It’s kind of funny how a lot of the most mediocre Kirby games have the best versions of the song. Kirby 64, Kirby’s Avalanche, Nightmare in Dream Land, and Squeak Squad were all very mediocre to downright terrible, but they had most of the best versions of the song. However I have to give credit to the original NES version. It’s funny how this has become one of the Kirby series’ most important themes, even somehow managing to get into Brawl despite not suiting the Kirby arena at all. While Green Greens and the Gourmet Race are Kirby’s two signature themes, Butter Buildings comes close behind, and I bet you it won’t be long until this is turned into the unofficial main theme of the Kirby series.
#2: Puzzle Bobble Theme (PC Version)
This is THE theme of my childhood. While I love the original arcade version, the PC version is really the better song. This is easily THE most overlooked main theme song that is actually really good. It’s insanely catchy, it’s super upbeat, it’s got a powerful beat, and it’s all around really enjoyable to listen too. Now I admit that this mp3 was from a CD that enhanced the songs a bit, but this IS the PC version of the song. If you haven’t played Puzzle Bobble, you should. Though I highly suggest you try and find the original in an arcade as it’s the best version of the actual game. However the PC version is okay, and it has the best version of the song.
#1: The Ending to Yoshi’s Island
Good, lord. This is THE most beautiful video game theme EVER! While my list mostly consisted of catchy upbeat stuff, this song is the total opposite. It’s like if Mozart was still alive and started writing music for video games. Not only is this song absolutely gorgeous, it turns a relatively boring ending into one of the best game endings ever. Seriously, if you just speed up the credits for Yoshi’s Island, then you have absolutely ZERO appreciation for music. Anyone who hears this song and doesn’t find it gorgeous needs to get their ears checked. While Koji Kondo is responsible for some of the most famous video game themes ever, this is by far his strongest work. If Koji Kondo was given the freedom to create more music like this instead of remixing the Mario theme over and over, he would be even MORE of a musical God than he already is.
Yoshi’s Island is a great game, but this song is better than the game itself. The song that makes you feel proud to have beaten the game. The best video game theme, of all time.